What Is Perfect Love?

I am doing an online Bible study over at Proverbs31.org and there is a blog hop every week and the blog posts are all about what we read and studied for the week. One of the topics for this week is 'What is Perfect Love?' All week we have been using the hash tag #perfectlove  so that when someone sees that hash tag and clicks on it, they are inundated with love!
Have you ever really thought about what perfect love is? Sure, we all love our spouses and our children. We already know that the love we feel for our family, particularly our husbands and children is a strong and deep affection born from what some people say is a strong soul connection (Hey! That rhymes! Nice.) But even that love isn't perfect. We get angry at our spouses or children. We get mad at our spouses when they got that big promotion and we are STILL trying to get a measly raise for goodness sake! We get mad at our children when we give them every available resource, including our time, to help them succeed in school and they come home with a big fat 'F' or two because they just didn't feel like doing the homework. Think of how many times you have played the "If and Then" game with your spouse. IF you will be more attentive, THEN I won't nag when you want to watch the game on Saturdays...sound familiar? Well, it does to me! We call it compromise, but that's just a way to dress up being selfish.
God didn't say 'IF you promise to accept my Son Jesus as your Savior, THEN I'll send him to you to endure temptation, loneliness, persecution, homelessness and, finally, a horrific death on a cross for your sins.' Nope, he just did it because he loved us. Jesus never whined 'But I don't want to. These people don't like me and they'll never be any different anyway!' Nope, he just did it because he loved us.
"But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners." Romans 5:8 
Could you imagine having a son and watching him grow up knowing how his sweet life would end? Knowing that he would be laughed at, scorned, hated, mocked, homeless, beaten, pierced, nailed to a cross in the hot sun and left hanging there , bloody and thirsty? Could you do what God did? We know that God has emotions, just like we do because we were created in his image. He can be proud, angry, happy, and heart broken just like we can.
He sent his son knowing that not everyone would accept that precious gift wrapped in the body of a humble and righteous man. He sent his knowing what would be done to him by cruel, doubting and self righteous men. BUT HE STILL SENT HIM!!!!! He sent him for you and for me and for every other believer since forever and until forever.
Can you imagine how it broke God's heart to see how people, his own creation, would treat Jesus? Every time someone called Jesus a liar it hurt God, every time someone plotted against Jesus it hurt God. But he still did it. THAT, my friends is perfect love! Our Heavenly Father loves us the much! He has loved us forever, since before we were born...with a perfect love!!! That is the best news I have had in my entire life!
I hope that what I've said here sticks with you and that you will look at your children and remember what God did just for you. Look at your husband and try to make that love a little more perfect. God loves you so you can do anything!


  1. Very correct. These are things we know , but in our busy lives we forget and think of only ourselves. May the Holy spirit help each of us to keep our focus on Jesus.

    1. I pray every night that He will help me keep my focus on Him!! It's nice to know I am not the only one who takes the cross for granted.

  2. Great message, thank you for sharing! God Bless you and yours! Praying we all understand Gods #Perfectlove!
    Anna Wylie

  3. Thanks so much for sharing!! So thankful for His #perfectlove and the assurance that it is always there along with Him to lean on! Cindy M.-OBS Small Group Leader~

  4. Thanks to ya'll for visiting!! His #perfectlove is amazing!!!

  5. Hey Beth! Love your post and your blog! I have a grooveshark account also, but IDK how to get the code to put on my blog. Can you help?

  6. I can. I will send you detailed directions tomorrow! Could you send me your email? Mine is beth_amnesia1980(at)hotmail(dot)(com) :) I hope you have a blessed night!

  7. I love the music with your blog; plus, it's amazing how every writing I've read tonight has been able to take the same topic and give something new. I've been loving #AConfidentHeart.. on FB, but now I've discovered the blogs and I'm amazed by my first online Bible Study. :) I opened a blog, but this is good enough, just reading what people have posted! Ty for yours!

    1. I'm so glad you liked it!!! You should really work with your blog. It's a great way to reach people and to get your thoughts about the Lord out there for others to read. You never know when something you say might be what someone needs to hear to turn their hearts to God! It's amazing for me to look back through my blog and see how I moved, a little at the time, from mostly secular reading to Christian reading. I hope that others see my journey and know that it is OKAY to move from the worldly to the spiritual!

  8. Beautiful depiction of what perfect love really is. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Abby, for visiting. I'm glad you liked it!


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