2016 Planner Available From Cornerstone Confessions!

Scatter brained. That's the nickname I have given myself. I have such a hard time remembering anything. I mean, how does a person forget whether or not they ate breakfast? Forgetfulness is a special talent of mine. Because I can't remember anything, I am super disorganized and my house suffers for it. Actually the house looks like the thoughts in mind, all jumbled up and  nothing where it goes!
Last year, I won an Erin Condren planner, which I dearly loved. I wrote everything in it. What time I wanted to start my morning, afternoon and night time Bible readings, chores for the day, doctor's appointments. grocery lists and to make even prettier, I snapped baby pics in it too. Oh, I do love EC planners...but WOW! They are expensive!! I started thinking about what I really needed in a planner that would basically be a journal of every daily activity for an entire year.
  • It needed to be inexpensive and I wanted to be able to customize it with family pics.
  • It needed to have a TO-
  • DO list with a separate, bigger chore section.
  • It needed to have a calendar with spaces that I could write the days activities in.
  • I wanted a place to use as a short hand prayer journal, where I could write what and/or who I was praying for that day, any interesting Bible verses that just stood out to me or that I wanted to memorize.
  • I had been thinking, even back that far about making these changes to this blog (previously Beth's Writing Opinions), so I wanted a way to keep up with the post ideas, posts I actually used, other blogs that inspired me or that I was lucky enough to work with
  • I also wanted a place to keep up with family info like my second cousin's baby's birthday, Mason's vaccines and information his pediatrician shared with me like his height and weight, and maybe even what I planned to give for birthday and Christmas gifts and to whom.

One day I was cruising through blogs that I always read and I found a link to a new one. Oh the Joy!!
Guess what? It was Cornerstone Confessions, a wonderful blog written by a super organized momma named Kathy. Guess what I found? A new planner that fit all of my wants and needs and then some! And, I hope you don't shock easily, it was FREE!!! I started using the 2015 version about four months ago and it is awesome. I printed it out and put it in a colorful binder a tabbed all my sections and BAM! I had a wonderful planner that didn't but five dollars. Now here's the deal, the free planner is in gray scale, it has a super cute polka dot design and you can print it on colored paper or just do like I did and  print in gray scale and decorate it with stickers and mini pictures OR you can buy the in color version. The in color version is only $10.00 until November 30th, which I just learned is called cyber Monday, thanks to Kathy. However, after November 30th, it goes back up to it's original price of $15.00. 
Even at $15.00 I'm telling you this planner is a steal. Below, I am going to add pics of the planners in color and in gray scale so you can see just how awesome they both are. Even if you're not sure how this planner will fit your needs, you can always print it out and try it in gray scale before you buy it in color...and once you get it in your hands and see how indispensable it is you WILL buy it!


Go on over to Cornerstone Confessions and look around for a while,  but don't forget to buy or download your planner while you're there. Thanks for reading the very first post of my *new*, well sort of new, blog. I hope to see you back soon!

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means a percentage of your purchase may be paid to me. This DOES NOT add to the price you pay for goods or services


  1. I like this. I will go look I just am not sure that I will be able to get it as I am still on the road until December 1st.

    I am inspired to use a blog to go through my journey from October 27th - November 1st. Yes my trip that has completely changed my life.

    Is that where I want to start or do I want to start with December 2014 when I choose to end the life of depression.

    Thank you!

    1. Christy, I am going to a post about depression. There are so many people who just do not understand how awful and debilitating this disorder is. If I were you, I would start with what brought you to the moment to end depression and go from there.

  2. This is awesome Beth! Thank you for sharing! I am definitely going to get one! I need more organization in my life! I love your new look on the blog! ❤

    1. RCraig418, you and me both honey! Once I got the planner I had to organize myself to write in it! Let me know how it works for you.

  3. Beth, you are so sweet! Thank you so much for sharing, and I'm so glad you find the planner useful. Yeah! ;)

  4. Beth i just love your blog, it is beautiful. I will definately be getting a planner as I need it desperately in my life. Thank you for being you and thank you for sharing this with us.

    1. I'm so glad you like it!! Ya'll are the best friends I have. I hope this planner helps you like it has helped me. I'm still trying to get organized enough to find 20 minutes to sit down and really mark up my planner!

  5. Bethie, I didn't know you had found this. Tell me what we need for the color one.

  6. Just go to cornerstoneconfessions.com and look for the calendar. She should have the 2017 one out now.


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